2018.08.17 04:40Jewel lampSuspended far distance in the universe,A flowery jewel lamp illuminates the evening sky, Huge trees being illuminated,A phoenix dancing in t...
2018.08.17 04:39CallingCalling-1A mermaid gazes at the surface of water and questions herself again today. Where is my true land in which to live ?The fish answer ...
2018.08.17 04:39A mermaidHappily and joyfully,Into the lights, into the bubbles,Let's step in smoothly,Playing and swimming,All the past and the future are dissolved...
2018.08.17 04:38The Ancient FestivalIt is a sacred and ecstatic process to participate in harmony with The Great Energy.A festival of dance and music, originally meant to be su...
2018.08.17 04:37Fullmoon gatheringThe festival of life reaches its climax,Each fish scrambles to be first and dive into a circling dance. Among the stirred bubbles of the Ear...
2018.08.17 04:37Returning to the HeavenGently, bidding farewell to the body, and taking off to the sky.It is not scary.Just returning whence you came from.Notice we all are connec...
2018.08.17 04:36Connecting energy in HawaiiThe moon rising in the starry evening sky,Stretching out its rainbow-colored arms in all directions, Expanding and connecting gently,People ...
2018.08.17 04:34Atmosphere of fairy forestsAlthough you are invisible from here, I am always watching you from the dark behind the tree.Feeling the breaths, rustling of the leaves, sw...
2018.08.17 04:34Seven diamondsUnlimited possibilities and brilliant energy in every single person, In harmony, forming an intensified shining world.
2018.08.17 04:30AwakeningThe time has come.Like a seed planted in the soil sprouting in a moment, The alarm within myself is ringing, I notice it.In process, the hid...
2018.08.17 04:29Kannon – the Goddes of MercyFrom the infinite sky, she casts transparent light with nostalgic echo.Her compassionate tone always evokes forgiveness among us,Clears away...